The RRMSTSKD started task JCL must be modified for each image where you intend to run RRMSTSKD, and then the task must be started.

All executions of RRMSTSKD on each image use the same DAD database and the same LOG file. When starting the RRMSTSKD started task, the target procedure library member name must be specified on the start command. It is recommended that a JOBNAME parameter be placed after the member name.

The RRMSTSKD program installs an IEFU83 exit dynamically under MVS™ 5 and higher using the CSVDYNEX facility. This facility does not require the IEFU83 program name to be specified in SYS1.PARMLIB member SMFPRMxx. However, it does require that IEFU83 (the IBM® ‘dummy’ exit routine) be specified for SYS and SUBSYS exits for which SMF data is to be collected.

The installation must be collecting SMF 14, 15, 61, 64, 65, and 66 records. Verify that the TYPE or NOTYPE keyword values allow the generation of these record types. An additional general purpose IEFU83 exit is available for users who wish to suppress the actual logging of these record types, or in fact record types needed by any other IEFU83 exits that are not desired in the log.
Note: Because the AUTOSTART option is generally used, the full set of RRMSTSKD operator commands are not documented here.
  1. Copy the RRMSTSKD member to each system’s SYS1.PROCLIB.
  2. Specify the target procedure library member name as part of the start command:
    • Issue the S RRMSTSKD,JOBNAME=DAD,PARM=AUTOSTART command (where the assumption is that the procedure library member name is RRMSTSKD and that DAD is the identifier). You can make the job name unique for each image, which makes it easy to stop the DAD task on any one image, if necessary.
    • Alternatively, update RRMINI so that AUTOSTART=YES, which causes RRMSTSKD to assume that PARM=AUTOSTART. This is the preferred method of starting RRMSTSKD.